Halo as a composable element between tokenized objects

Halo as a composable element between tokenized objects

In some cases, it could make sense to fuse two on-chain events into a powered up type of Halo event. For example, a player could:

  • Earn some elite Halo by a rare achievement.

  • Purchase an NFT-backed object, unlockable upon that achievement only.

  • Fuse the purchased NFT with the achievement event (also an NFT), to create a new form of event affiliated to their identity (a new NFT) - consider this a “powered up” event.

  • Identities holding the powered-up event unlock certain in-game benefits that the achievement alone would not bring.

In this context, game developers can reward player actions by combining a skill-based achievement with a purchase event. Alternatively, composability could include the fusion of two achievements (or more) alone. Or the fusion of two purchased items (or more).

Composable elements have interesting implications for DAO membership. To participate in a DAO could require:

  • A certain amount of provable qualifying Halo. (Can’t buy this)

  • The investment in a certain amount of governance tokens. (Buyable)

  • Fused together into a voting right that correlates to the contributions on the Halo side (i.e. overweight to Halo, underweighted to the utility token).

In turn, the voting right combinations of Halo+Token could be A/B tested, to refine towards the right balance between incentives to hold the utility token, and incentives to drive informed community decision making via Halo as a proxy for voter stake in the community.

Staking rewards would thus correlate to the fusion of the utility tokens and the Halo, allowing for a more diverse player stream of income, from active voting participation.

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