
Unreal integration


Every project may have multiple custom currencies. For example "diamonds" and/or "cash". Aside from these typical game currencies, projects wishing to sell NFTs must integrate a specific currency. The internal name for this currency is "rgn-coin". When the "rgn-coin" is presented in the UI it can have any currency name, for example, "gems".

The "rgn-coin" can only be sold using in-app purchases. For more information, please refer to the Currency GDG.

Other typical currencies can be added and used in an expected manner - as rewards to the user's account, or sold for in-app purchases.

Purchase rgn-coin (IAP required)

Purchasing rgn-coin works a bit differently, it has its own API called PurchaseRGNCoinAsync(string iapUUID)

You will need to get the transactionId and receipt when the in app purchase is completed.

rgn-coin Products

10 rgn-coin :

"uid": "4a13bcd3-ff64-43a4-8c13-e978d968f68c",
"priceInUSD": 0.99,
"quantity": 10

20 rgn-coin :

"uid": "0eeae85c-c9af-47f0-8df4-56a4442c23d7",
"priceInUSD": 1.99,
"quantity": 20

30 rgn-coin :

"uid": "9d2ed68b-2a6c-45d4-bc07-29f256799943",
"priceInUSD": 2.99,
"quantity": 30

50 rgn-coin :

"uid": "b7bcbbf6-753d-47dd-8bff-93b4539c825d",
"priceInUSD": 4.99,
"quantity": 50

110 rgn-coin :

"uid": "b81e8e95-59a6-4a77-b1bc-f5b7d6eacfa4",
"priceInUSD": 9.99,
"quantity": 110

300 rgn-coin :

"uid": "f35c4f83-cf22-4723-828a-66e8069614eb",
"priceInUSD": 24.99,
"quantity": 300

500 rgn-coin :

"uid": "3c814835-9f6f-4947-98f0-6e70964b887d",
"priceInUSD": 39.99,
"quantity": 500

1000 rgn-coin :

"uid": "b65994dc-ecfd-4549-ab32-51e196947c8b",
"priceInUSD": 69.99,
"quantity": 1000

Get user rgn-coin quantity

Add rgn-coin to user

Custom currency

Get user custom currency quantity

Add custom currency to user