Sign Up for READYgg SDK

Before you begin integrating the READYgg SDK, you need to create an account on the READYgg Developer Console. The Developer Console is your primary workspace for creating, customizing, and managing your READYgg games.

  • Login or create an account

  • Click create a project

  • Once the project is created you need to open it:

  • Click the "Start here" button.

  • You need to have valid keystore file to fill the "SHA certificate fingerprints" field. In case you don't have one, you can create one in Unity Editor:

    1. Open any Unity project

    2. Open Player Settings -> Publishing Settings -> Keystore Manager...

    3. It will open the Keystore Manager window. Click create a new keystore in custom location and fill out the required fields:

    4. When you create the keystore file, you can select it in the Publishing Settings:

    5. Open your favorite terminal. Make sure you have the Android build tools in the path.

    6. Run following command: keytool -list -v -alias staging -keystore .\staging.keystore

    7. After you enter the keystore password, you will get the sha1 to copy, more info here:

  • Paste the SHA1 in the create a new app form:

  • Type in your iOS bundle id and click next

  • On the next steps you can download the credentials unitypackage file and import it in Unity